8 Memorial Day Activities to Kick-off Your Summer

Summer is almost here! The weather is getting warmer and the rain is starting to subside, so everyone is looking for a fun way to spend their Memorial Day weekend. We at ohDEER love spending time outside. It’s a big reason we’re committed to keeping people’s yards free of ticks and mosquitos – so you can enjoy your yard. 

Since everyone is itching to get outside and enjoy the weather this weekend, we’ve come up with eight activities you and your family can do this weekend. 


1. Have a Bonfire

Nothing screams summer like the smell of a bonfire. Bonfires bring memories of ghost stories, flashlight tag and our favorite activity: roasting marshmallows. If you’re feeling adventurous, check out this article to find some other easy campfire desserts.

Break out your fire pit or see if a friend or neighbor will let you borrow theirs. Don’t forget to grab some firewood while you’re at it!


2. Get a Cabin for the Weekend

We’ve all been stuck inside for the last year and deserve a change of scenery. A cabin can be a great way to get away and enjoy your long weekend. From fishing, to hiking trails, to our first option on this list, having a bonfire, there’s plenty to do.

For a cheaper option, you can always go camping. Check your local state park to see if there’s any availability in your area. 


3. Outdoor movie night

Who needs a drive-in when you have a bed sheet and some creativity? If you don’t own a projector, there are plenty of businesses that will let you rent one. 

Another option is to pull your largest TV into the backyard. It may require an extension cord and some creativity, but it’ll all be worth it when you sit down for a movie under the stars. 


4. Have a Cookout

Photo by Evan Wise on Unsplash @evanthewise


Remember that grill that’s been sitting in the corner of your yard all winter with a tarp over it? This is the weekend to fire it up again. It’s a Memorial Day staple. But you better hurry to the store before the hot dogs and burgers run out!


5. Go for a Bike Ride

Enjoy the weather and get some exercise in while you do it. Whether you find a bike bath or just take a trip around the block, biking is a great way to get some fresh air. If you don’t own a bike, plenty of places will let you rent one. 


6. Go to the Beach

The water may not be warm yet, but you can always enjoy the sun and the sand. Grab a volleyball, a beach towel, and some sunscreen and enjoy a day on the beach. 

And while you’re there, you can try our next activity…


7. Have a Picnic

Photo by Deval Parikh on Unsplash


This can be done in a park, a beach or even in your backyard. Set out a blanket, make your favorite sandwich or salad, and maybe play some music while you enjoy the weather. It’s always fun to bring a frisbee or go for a walk when you’re done. 


8. Go for a Hike

Going for a hike is arguably the best way to enjoy nature and the weather. It’s great exercise and you’ll often get some great views if you stick it out long enough. 

We hope you enjoy your holiday weekend. If you’re hosting an event and are worried about mosquitos and ticks, let us know! We’re always happy to do a one-time event spray. 

Happy Memorial Day everyone! 

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